How to Choose the Best Author Website Builder for Your Needs

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Creating an online presence as an author is crucial in today's digital age. Whether you are a new author looking to establish a brand or a seasoned professional, having a website is a must. However, with so many author website builders and designers available, choosing the best one for your needs can be overwhelming.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to choose the best author website builder and designer for your needs.

First and foremost, consider your budget. Some author website designer offer free plans, while others require a monthly or annual subscription. A free plan may be the best option if you are just starting out and have a limited budget. However, remember that free plans often have limitations, such as a lack of customization options or a limited number of pages. If you have a bit more to invest in your website, a paid plan may be the way to go. Paid plans typically offer more features and customization options.

Next, consider your technical expertise. Some website builders and designers are more user-friendly than others, making them ideal for those who are not technically savvy. If you are comfortable with technology, you may want a more advanced website builder or designer that offers greater flexibility and customization. Remember that some website builders and designers require coding knowledge, so choose one that matches your skill level.

Another important factor to consider is the author website builder or designer's templates and themes. Templates and themes determine the overall look and feel of your website. Some website builders and designers offer a wide variety of templates and themes, while others have a more limited selection. Consider your personal style and the message you want to convey to your audience when choosing a template or theme.

Additionally, look for website builders and designers that offer mobile optimization. With more people accessing the internet through mobile devices, your website must appear well on both desktop and mobile platforms. Many website builders and designers offer mobile optimization but double-check before making your final decision.

Don't forget to read reviews and customer feedback when researching author website designer. This can give you a good idea of what to expect regarding user experience and customer support. Look for website builders and designers with high ratings and positive reviews.

Finally, consider any additional features that may be important to you. For example, some website builders and designers offer e-commerce functionality, while others do not. If you plan to sell books or merchandise through your website, make sure to choose a website builder or designer that offers e-commerce functionality. Other features to consider include email marketing integration, social media integration, and search engine optimization tools.

Why Amazon Audio book Publishing is a Great Choice for Authors

As an author, there are several ways to distribute your work and make it available to readers. One of the most popular methods is to publish your work as an audiobook. With the rise of audiobook consumption, authors can reach a wider audience and increase their revenue by publishing their audiobooks on popular platforms like Amazon.

Amazon has become a dominant player in the audiobook industry, and it's not hard to see why. Amazon audio book publishing offers a number of benefits to authors, including access to a massive audience and a streamlined publishing process. Here we'll explore why Amazon audio book publishing is a great choice for authors.

Massive Audience

One of the most compelling reasons to publish audiobook on Amazon is the platform's massive audience. Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world, and its audiobook platform, Audible, is one of the largest audiobook retailers in the world. Audible has over 425,000 titles available, and it's estimated that Amazon has a 90% share of the audiobook market. This means that publishing your audiobook on Amazon gives you access to a massive audience actively looking for new audiobooks.

Streamlined Publishing Process

Publishing an audiobook can be a time-consuming and complicated process, but Amazon has made it as simple as possible. Amazon's audiobook platform, ACX, allows authors to publish their audiobooks directly to Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. The platform walks authors through every process step, from finding a narrator to creating the audiobook cover art. This makes it easy for authors to focus on what they do best – writing – while leaving the technical details of audiobook production to the experts.

Increased Revenue

Publishing your audiobook on Amazon also allows you to increase your revenue. Amazon offers several different royalty options for audiobooks, including a 40% royalty for exclusive distribution on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. This means that every time someone purchases your audiobook on one of these platforms, you earn a percentage of the sale. Audible also offers a bounty program that pays authors $75 for every new Audible member who signs up and purchases their audiobook.

Easy Marketing and Promotion

Amazon's massive audience also means it's easy to market and promote your audiobook. Amazon offers several tools to help authors promote their work, including creating an author page and participating in promotional programs like Kindle Countdown Deals and Kindle Daily Deals. Additionally, Amazon offers a robust advertising platform allowing authors to create targeted ads to promote audiobooks to specific audiences.

What to Look for in Amazon Book Editing and Proofreading Services

Self-publishing a book can be a daunting task, and it's crucial to have a polished final product. This is where book editing and proofreading services come into play. With so many options available, deciding which service to choose can be challenging. However, Amazon book editing services have become increasingly popular over the years, and for a good reason.

When looking for Amazon book editing and proofreading services, it's essential to consider several factors to ensure you get the best value for your money. Here are some of the things to look for:

Experience and Reputation

When it comes to book editing and proofreading, experience is key. Look for an Amazon book editing services with a proven track record of delivering high-quality work. You can read reviews and testimonials from other authors who have used the service to understand their experience. Additionally, check the editor's credentials, such as their education and professional experience.


Not all editors are created equal. Some specialize in certain genres, such as fiction or non-fiction, while others may have experience working with specific types of books, such as memoirs or academic texts. Be sure to find an editor experienced in your genre or type of book to ensure they can provide the necessary insights and feedback to improve your work.

Editing and Proofreading Services Offered

Editing and proofreading are different, and it's crucial to understand the difference. Editing involves checking the book's content, structure, and style to ensure it is coherent, engaging, and error-free. On the other hand, proofreading involves checking the final version of the book for any grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. When looking for Amazon book editing and proofreading services, ensure they offer both editing and proofreading services.

Turnaround Time

Time is of the essence when it comes to self-publishing a book. Look for an Amazon book editing services that offers quick turnaround times without compromising on the quality of the work. Some services may offer expedited turnaround times for an additional fee, so be sure to check if this is an option.


The cost of Amazon book editing and proofreading services can vary significantly, depending on the service provider and the level of editing required. Be sure to compare prices from different providers and consider the level of service you require to find a service that fits within your budget.

Overall, Amazon book editing and proofreading services can be an excellent option for authors looking to self-publish their books. With their experience, specialization, and comprehensive editing and proofreading services, Amazon book editors can provide the necessary support and feedback to ensure your book is polished, error-free, and ready for publication. Just be sure to consider the factors outlined above to find the right service for your needs.


In conclusion, creating an author website is essential in today's digital age, and choosing the best website builder and designer for your needs requires consideration of factors such as your budget, technical expertise, templates and themes, mobile optimization, reviews and customer feedback, and additional features. Amazon audio book publishing offers authors access to a massive audience, a streamlined publishing process, increased revenue, and easy marketing and promotion. Lastly, when looking for Amazon book editing and proofreading services, it's crucial to consider factors such as experience, services offered, pricing, turnaround time, and customer reviews. By evaluating these factors carefully, authors can ensure they make the best choices for their online presence, audiobook publishing, and book editing and proofreading needs.



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Our publishing services are not limited to specific book genres. Our team can help you publish a book whether it is a fiction or a non-fiction book. We have published many children's books, poetry books, self-help books, biography/memoir, business books and many trending young adult novels etc.

Certainly, we can help you with designing your book cover and our book cover design service are available to any author who require it. Book cover design is an important part of book and we can help you to create a trendy and captivating book cover design for you. So irrespective of the publisher, AMZ publication Hub can help you with cover page designing which will help your book to gather the interest of readers.

Book illustration is a very complex task and it requires detailed and meticulous working by our professional designers, therefore delivery of the Illustrations can take 6 to 12 weeks depending on the number of illustrations and complexity required. We invite the client to work closely with the designers to make sure to incorporate their ideas and vision while providing the highest quality.

At AMZ publication Hub, we have a professional team of more than 100 translators, which can translate the book into multiple languages making sure to use the correct and appropriate translation. The most common languages that we offer are English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, and Portuguese. We are professionally equipped to handle even the less commonly used languages too.

Indeed, you can have revisions unlimited revisions to your book marketing and promotional material provided by AMZ publication Hub.

Audio book cost is dependent on various factors, which includes page count, characters, and the complication of the narration required. Our professional consultants can give you customized estimates based on the project requirements and your script’s complexity.

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At AMZ publication Hub, we take privacy and confidentiality very sincerely. We have secure servers and added layer of security including and data secrecy measure and ISO 27001 certification for data protection.

Surely, AMZ publication Hub can assist you to develop an exclusive and professional website, which will echo and highlight your work. You will be provided samples of designs and choices to choose from. The website will be user friendly as well as SEO friendly so it can be optimized for high visibility. The website development team will make sure to keep the website updated and secure from data leaks and intrusions.

Certainly, AMZ publication Hub offer discounts and concessions on bundle and deals. You can get connected with one of our professional and experienced consultants to get a customized quote according to your needs and requirements. Rest assured the quality of work we strive for would reflect in the outcome.


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